Wednesday, May 04, 2005

ARC Information Literacy SIG May 19, 2005 Meeting

Are We Meeting the Information Needs of Graduate Students?
Thursday May 19, 2005 2:30-5pm
Jacques Meeting Room, Foundress Hall, Anna Maria College, 50 Sunset Lane, Paxton, MA
Parking: available in the lot behind Foundress Hall
R.S.V.P. to Alice Baron by Monday May 16th

Attendees are encouraged to bring along a 1-2 page handout (15-20 copies) of thoughts, resources, references, programs, or ideas related to graduate student information literacy.

  • Does your college/university have an established program for graduate students?
  • Do you successfully work with individual programs at your institutions?
  • How do you reach out to graduate students?
  • How do you assess their skill level?
  • Have you heard of or seen other exciting programs, articles, or resources regarding this issue?

We plan on a round robin type program, everyone will be in the spotlight for 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of people attending.

Christine Drew Instruction Coordinator,

March Meeting Notes: Assessment Ideas & Online Tutorials

ARC - Information Literacy SIG - March Meeting -
Friday March 11, 2005 2:30-4:30pm
Location: Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Gordon Library - Anderson Lab A
Overview of Presentations and Minutes

Rachel Zyirek - bibliography
Rachel discussed approaches to assessment of library instruction at Babson College over the past 6 years. Moving from a simple in-class paper survey to a more direct assessment method involving observational interviews of rhetoric students performing research tasks. Success came after many years of perseverance and relationship development with faculty, staff and students. Librarians are now leaders on campus with endeavors that are being incorporated into campuswide assessment efforts.

Online Tutorials Kari Mofford - Wentworth Institute of Technology
Kari shared her experiences with RoboDemo, now Captivate, used for creating online tutorials for Wentworth. See the Freshman Orientation Tutorial. Her goal was to create a component for the first year students to do during their first month as a foundation for English classes. She also used Dreamweaver to create Finding books segment, 7-8 minutes long at , Kari mentioned that she felt it was too long and suggested breaking up tutorials into smaller segments to accommodate short attentions spans of our students. Tutorials were assessed via an online quiz, which only 66% passed. Ideas for future include getting together faculty for an “information literacy” group, and focus on creating orientations with a “major/department” focus.

Heidi McCann - Mt Wachusett Community College Presentation
Heidi used RoboDemo/Captivate (Macromedia) version 5.0 to create tutorials for the MWCC community. This is a new area for her, but she’s exploring the idea of using these tutorials for Distance education, and not as a replacement for library instruction but to reinforce. Faculty have expressed interest in collaborating, but the software is new to MWCC and there’s no academic technology support, so Heidi sometimes fills this role!

Christine Drew - Worcester Polytechnic Institute - presentation handout
I shared information about WPI's adaptation of the Searchpath online tutorial and development of Camtasia clips of databases while at Babson College.

Q & A and other hot topics: Appointing an ARC delegate No one at the meeting was interesting in being a delegate and we made a suggestion that we could provide minutes/overview of meetings to the ARC steering committee. Planning for next meeting

Alice Baron at Anna Maria College offered to host the next ARC IL SIG meeting, possibly in May or June, date forthcoming so stay tuned!

Topics suggested: targeting graduate students; making research process interesting. We informally decided that we would try to have each participant at the next ARC IL SIG meeting bring a one page handout to discuss how their institution provides information literacy/library instruction to graduate students and/or ideas or resources that may help address this issue.

Attendees: Laura Robinson; Robert Foley; Linda LeBlanc; Carolyn Noah; Alice Baron; Joan Platt; Dale LaBonte; Sara Marks; Fyiane NsiloSwai; Pam McKay; Larry Spongberg and presenters.