Monday, November 26, 2007

Next meeting: January 8th

Getting the Library Message Out: Facebook, mySpace, and Creative Ideas

Date/Time: Tuesday, January 8th 2:30-4:30pm
Location: WPI Gordon Library, Anderson Lab A

We'll be sharing information about the use of social networking sites and other creative ideas to promote the library's services, resources, and instruction.

WPI Directions:
Campus Map:
Parking in the Boynton Street Lot behind the library is recommended, and will not be a problem as WPI is on Winter Break.
Please RSVP to Christine ( 508-831-6163)
No parking pass needed.

If you would like to attend this via web conference, contact Christine by 1/7 @ 5pm.

Resources & Additional Readings

Friday, September 07, 2007

Fall 07 Virtual Reference: Sharing Experiences

Tuesday, October 9th 2:30 - 4:30 PM Host: Patty Porcaro, Holy Cross Library - Scalia Electronic Classroom
Join the ARC Information Literacy and Reference Special Interest group for an informal afternoon to learn more about virtual reference offerings, experiences, and best practices when performing on online reference interview. Attendees will be invited to share their own experiences as well as new reference/information literacy happenings at their libraries.
Campus Maps:
Parking: Free/Hogan Center, no pass needed

Agenda & Readings

ARC Virtual Reference Meeting Notes

Attendees: Patty Pocaro Holy Cross, Diane Gallager Holy Cross, Christine Drew WPI, Laura Robinson Hanlan WPI, Alice Baron Anna Maria, Heidi McCann WCC, Barbara Morales both Holy Cross & Anna Maria, Carol Myles Assumption, Callie Curran Morrell Assumption

Attendees talked about virtual reference offerings at their institutions.

Holy Cross participates in collaborative effort
24/7 Association of Jesuit Colleges & Universities virtual reference
19 (out of 28) colleges in the US across 3 time zones, some colleges have dropped out for various reasons (staffing issues, lack of marketing, etc.)
Contract with who covered midnight-2am, after 7pm on Sundays. librarians are located all over but they cannot contact them directly, this is the only academic group that has as a client, Patty feels they serve the group well
Holy Cross monitors 4 hours per week (max 2 hours at a time), larger Universities monitor more hours. Reference librarians do not do this while trying to staff the desk at the same time.
Listserv for institutional coordinators to communicate & annual meeting
When to work schedule system is used.
Each institution does their own marketing – Holy Cross sends emails to their students, and there is a spike when this message is sent
Quality Control coordinator, transcripts are provided for all with names of responders
They have logins for the other universities databases in order to serve the other universities patron because they are servicing their students
Each participating college has a link on the 24/7 system so that it makes it easy to find some basic info (databases, journal holdings, policies, etc)
Part of the mission is “to instruct” not just to respond to question
Reference interview – fast paced, need to be quick though in your interactions
Assumption does IM using Trillian 9am-10pm M-F, Sunday 9-3pm while at reference desk they try to keep as ready reference, but sometimes refer student to visit library, advertised as “quick answer” service, but sometimes they get a bit too involved then they suggest they phone or stop by, seems to be used by students, and one administrator
Mt Wachusett Community College is use Plugoo when library is open 7:30-8:30pm, consistent low volume since started in 2001. They ask if chatter is a student
WPI uses Trillian and chatango – we get questions from mainly students, but some non-WPI questions, usually just quick, staffed while at reference desk
Anna Maria does not offer virtual reference chat at this time

Patty also mentioned that from 3-6 & 6-9:30pm they use student reference assistants at their reference desk to help answer questions.

Guidelines or Recommendations for Virtual Chat Interactions
Brainstorm by group

At first contact introduce yourself and role if need be

  • For some clarification of status (student of institution or not) WCC uses triage, to determine to refer patron to WCC subscribed resources or to refer non-students to public library resources
  • Sometimes they send a link to one of their canned online tutorials if useful (Problems Logging in, Requesting a Book through the Catalog)
  • Some feel that some canned responses may be useful for chat if traffic increases, but use is steady, but not overwhelming so most have not created templates for responses
  • Communicate timeframe if you are going off to search for something:
    just a moment, I am checking that for you
    polite to also keep them posted on progress
  • Acknowledge the question and sometimes paraphrase back to assure you are on the right track
  • Sometimes ask users what they have already tried
  • Respond in shorter bursts, so that the end user is given timely feedback, input and doesn’t stray away
  • Medium lends itself to being more informal, mimic user, okay to use txt shorthand if users are, :-) use smilies if they are
  • Suggest that the user go and try a specific resources, and to check back in a minute or two while you continue with difference strategies
  • Ending the transaction with questions, invitation to come back for help: Does that help? Is there anything else we can do for you? Would you like more research suggestions? Some librarians give out personal email to follow up. Sometimes ask for users email if you wish to follow up with them later
  • Sometimes staff use their own chat service to send links and mention quick things to staff at reference desk, the utility of virtual chat can be a productivity tool
  • More comments or suggestions?! Add others to the blog if you think of more.

    New Chair/Secretary
    No volunteers for chair, Christine agreed to continue for one more year. Callie agreed to take the secretary role. We discussed meeting schedules and the group determined we would like still like to meet twice per year.

    ARC Strategic Plan - Christine
    - Exploring use of new technologies for meetings
    - Symposia idea – Information Literacy & Assessment

    ACRL NE and NELIG could possibly partner for an event in 2010-2011 or ARC could host its own event. The group felt it was a fine idea to pursue but we will discuss at future meetings.

    Customer Service SIG has waned and surveyed people to get a sense of what types of discussion they would like to have. Nichols held the last meeting, it was out of the way for some. Barbara said they will be planning a meeting for this SIG after responses from the survey come in.

    Next Meeting, Date, Topic, Location
    Getting the Library Message Out: Facebook, mySpace, and Creative Ideas
    Tentative Date: Friday January 11 @ 2:30 @ WPI

    Assumption found in a Facebook option to target messages to the community (online flyer) but have not tried that (for a small fee).

Upcoming Events:
Assumption’s citation help night is tomorrow
@ WPI Scare fest: Library Services & Vendor Fair 10/31
Save the date: Heidi reminded us about the NELIG meeting: November 30 Friday – Library 2.0 with breakout hands-on campus, Leominster Campus of MWCC

Friday, March 23, 2007

March 5, 2007 Meeting Notes

Laura Robinson Hanlan, ILL and Reference librarian at WPI, conducted a lively session reporting on her efforts to improve service to students, faculty, and other library users. She based her efforts on information literacy standards. Training for staff and student workers, particularly student supervisors, is achieving a daily transformation. Students and library staff demonstrate the reference interview, exploit teachable moments, and empower the person seeking information, all through an emphasis on instruction over delivery.

In her PowerPoint, Hanlan highlighted some of the tools she designed for “training the trainers,” including mnemonics and scenarios. “Reference is about HELP,” she offered. By HELP, she means “Helpfulness, Educating yourself, Listening and asking questions, [and] Positive closings.” This deceptively simple scheme is also a vivid reminder of ways to greet patrons, prepare oneself with knowledge of what is available, examine requests, and confirm that the seeker is satisfied with the outcome. Scenarios, rather than offering a memory support, help in visualizing experiences staff are likely to encounter. These offer concrete examples of interactions and practical guidance in ways to make them amiable and productive.

One highly desirable outcome of this approach is the peer support student workers are able to offer to students looking for help with their research. But student staff are cautioned not to guess. Instead, they bring patrons with complex questions to reference librarians, who can in turn offer feedback to student workers about their handling of these referrals.

Other WPI library staff reported that members from all levels and various departments are involved in frequent half-hour training sessions. These allow staff to share different services and skills.

Librarians from the other ARC libraries described their methods of inserting information literacy either formally or informally as part of the training of student and support staff and enlisting faculty. At Clark, student worker training is offered in multiple sessions at the beginning of the academic year, while at Holy Cross training occurs as needed. At Worcester State, with only one full-time reference librarian, cross-training of staff and modeling the research process with students (by guiding them through the steps and narrating the thinking process, rather than just providing the desired articles, books, etc.) are two means of transmitting expertise in doing research. At Quinsigamond, viewing the faculty as a target audience during the instruction sessions has increased formal information literacy instruction. The instruction librarian at Fitchburg State, Sara Marks urges faculty to match timing of instruction sessions with the syllabus time-line for research projects.

Librarians at Worcester State, WPI and Holy Cross commented on the use they are making of web-based software to mount handouts through Sharepoint or on Blackboard/WebCT, and to use Chat sessions as opportunities to teach the research process.

Christine Drew asked the group to respond to the ARC Steering Committee’s question: what do we think is the charge of the information literacy and reference IG? In the ensuing discussion, veteran members said the twice-a-year meetings have been more instructive and better attended than the quarterly meetings of the WACL (Worcester Area College Libraries) standing committee. We concluded that our purpose is to network on current trends and issues in information literacy and reference, and to continue meeting twice a year to learn and share.

Future meeting topic was suggested on the topic of Virtual Reference services and Patty Pocaro from Holy Cross may be able to host the fall 2007 meeting.

Attendees: Alice Baron (Anna Maria), Callie Curran Morrell (Assumption), Christine Drew (WPI), Dale LaBonte (QCC), Fyiane Nsilo-Swai (QCC), Laura Robinson Hanlan (WPI), Larry Spongberg (Assumption), Rachel Shea (Clark), Patty Pocaro (Holy Cross), Elizabeth Maisey (Assumption), Mary Brunelle (Assumption), Lynne Riley (WPI), Debbie Verhoff (Fitchburg), Sara Marks (Fitchburg), Jan Wilbur (Assumption), Linda LeBlanc
(Fitchburg), Pam R. McKay (Worcester State)

Friday, February 02, 2007

March Meeting - 3/7 2:30 pm @ WPI

WPI on Wednesday March 7, 2007 at 2:30.
Anderson Lab A - Gordon Library WPI
One level down from main entrance off PC lab.

(Term break so park anywhere in Boynton St. Parking Lot)
Encouraging Information Literacy Among All Library Staff
Laura Robinson Hanlan, Interlibrary Loan & Reference LibrarianLaura will describe her experience with reference & ILL staff training as well as reference/information literacy training for student circulation desk supervisors at WPI.

Please bring your own reference/IL staff training programs & ideas to share.
R.S.V.P. to Christine Drew