Tuesday, November 07, 2006

SIG meeting 10/25/06

ARC Reference & Information Literary Special Interest Group Meeting
October 25, 2006 Assumption College - Emmanuel d'Alzon Library

The focus of this meeting about assessment was a presentation by Assumption librarians Carole Myles and Callie Curran Morrell on “Library Instruction & Program Assessment.” Assumption College reference staff began a process this past summer to try to standardize instruction and explore possibilities for assessment (measuring student learning) and evaluation (determining the effectiveness of teaching).

In terms of assessment, their presentation showed the progress they have made to date in using a pre-test/post-test system, which they have begun to analyze. Another strategy they use in advanced classes is to ask students two questions: Tell us something you learned; Is there something you still find confusing? Responses indicate to librarians things they want to emphasize in their sessions, and areas where students are not receiving what instruction is intended to convey. Qualitative analysis of these responses may be attempted with ATLAS software. Carole and Callie said they also hope to begin a collaboration with a faculty member that will allow them to review student bibliographies.

For evaluation, the librarians hope to measure efficiency and effectiveness through a combination of data collected on instruction sessions, through surveying students, by soliciting feedback from faculty, and using self-reflection.

The SIG attendees suggested ways to refine the pre-test/post-test questions as well as considerations about sample size and methods of obtaining feedback from students and faculty members. Other information literacy assessment tools including ICT and Project SAILS were mentioned. Librarians in this group of ARC libraries were not using any of these, but many had done or are about to do LIBQUAL surveys. WPI has an assessment cycle for faculty to evaluate student e-projects (which can be viewed online) including the reference lists. Several librarians are doing literature reviews on bibliography analysis—maybe we should assemble this list of citations to share it.

Christine Drew (WPI) opened the discussion of compliance with ARC governance structures. Following a brief discussion she volunteered to continue to act as she has been to organize and inform the members of the meetings. The next one is planned for spring break in March. Dale LaBonte (QCC) agreed to act as secretary for the SIG. Sending a representative to the ARC meetings was not settled.

Members felt that it would be beneficial to use funds leftover from WACL for to hire training consultants Decker Associates in Needham to deliver a session based on our needs as teaching librarians. Christine suggested doing so in conjunction with the CMRLS calendar of workshops so that as many librarians as are interested could attend.

Christine noted that the NERCOMP Annual Conference to be held in the DCU center on March 19-21, 2007 has a track for librarians. ARC librarians may want to take advantage of the Worcester location. NERCOMP—Northeast Regional Computing Program—is an affiliate of Educause.

While we were assembling, we got to watch and comment on two YouTube videos. The first was "Ray of Light", produced by the St Joseph County Public Library; we also saw a promo for Refworks produced by Arizona State University. At Assumption they have these running as students are arriving for library instruction session. Later in the session, Christine showed us some challenge exercises she offers as transition or sponge activities for students who finish an in-class project early, while they are waiting for other students to finish.

Next meeting is planned for WPI on Wednesday March 7, 2007 at 2:30.

Alice Baron (Anna Maria), Barbara Merolli (Anna Maria), Callie Curran Morrell (Assumption), Carole Myles (Assumption), Christine Drew (WPI), Dale LaBonte (QCC), Elizabeth Maisey (Assumption), Larry Spongberg (Assumption), Laura Robinson Hanlan (WPI), Mary Brunelle (Assumption), Rachel Shea (Clark)

Citation analysis bibliography

After discussing citation analysis as one possible tool for assessing student learning (at the meeting on 10/25), I wanted to post this bibliography of studies that have incorporated it as a methodology in their research. Please post any more that you may know of as comments.
-Callie Curran Morrell, Assumption College

Bibliography of Citation Analysis Research

Ackerson, L.G., and V.E. Young. “Evaluating the impact of library instruction methods on the quality of student research.” Research Strategies 12 (1994), p. 132-144.

Davis, Philip M. “The Effect of the web on undergraduate citation behavior: A 2000 Update.” College & Research Libraries (January 2002), p. 53-60.

Dykeman, Amy and Barbara King. “Term paper analysis: A proposal for evaluating bibliographic instruction.” Research Strategies 1 (Winter 1983) p. 18.

Gratch, B. “Toward a methodology for evaluation research paper bibliographies.” Research Strategies 3 (Fall 1985), p. 171-177.

Hovde, Karen. “Check the citation: library instruction and student paper bibliographies.” Research Strategies 17 (2000), p. 3-9.

King, D.N., and J.C. Ory. “Effects of library instruction on student research: a case study.” College and Research Libraries 42 (Jan. 1981). p.31-41.

Kohl, D.F. and L.A. Wilson. Effectiveness of course-integrated bibliographic instruction in improving coursework. RQ 27.2 (Winter 1986) p. 206-211.

Malone, D., and C. Videon. “Assessing undergraduate use of electronic resources: A quantitative analysis of works cited.” Research Strategies 15 (1997), p. 152-158.

Mohler, Beth. “Citation Analysis as an assessment tool.” Science and Technology Libraries 25.4 (2005), p. 57-64.

Robinson, Andrew M., and Karen Schlegl. “Student bibliographies improve when professors provide enforceable guidelines for citations.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 4.2 (2004), p. 275-290.

Ursin, Lara, Elizabeth Blakesley Lindsay, and Corey M. Johnson. “Assessing library instruction in the freshman seminar: a citation analysis study.” Reference Services Review 32.3 (2004) p. 284-292.

Young, Virginia E., and Linda G. Ackerson. “Evaluation of Student Research Paper Bibliographies: Refining Evaluation Criteria.” Research Strategies 13.2 (1995) p.80-93.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Assessment Ideas - Meeting 10/25/2006

October 25, 2006 2:30-4:30pm - Assumption College - Emmanuel d'Alzon Library
Campus Map

CMRLS Academic and Research Collaborative: "Agenda: SIG Structure issues regarding Academic and Research Collaborative Governance Revision 7-19-06, specifically:
'IG Officers: Each Interest Group will select a Chair to coordinate two or more group meetings/programs each year. New Chairs will take office at the start of the academic year, prior to the first meeting of the Steering Committee. Chairs may serve for up to three consecutive years. Any ARC library staff member, with the exception of library directors, may serve as Chair. A Secretary will be designated for each year, and may also serve as Chair-Elect. The Chair or other designated representative will serve as the liaison to the ARC Steering Committee.'

- Volunteers, assignment of officer positions: Chair & Secretary
- Library Instruction & Program Assessment - bring along your own ideas, and Assumption librarians
will share their ideas/progress in this area
- Discussion on Training Consultants: Decker Associates in Needham can do a custom class based on
our needs as teaching librarians, their sessions are fun & informative. Is this something we may be able to use leftover from WACL funds for?

Bring along assessment sources and ideas to share.

Questions? R.S.V.P to Larry Spongberg at Assumption lspong@assumption.edu.

Also, note there is an ARC events calendar

CMRLS Academic and Research Collaborative

CMRLS Academic and Research Collaborative: "Agenda: SIG Structure issues regarding Academic and Research Collaborative Governance Revision 7-19-06, specifically:
'IG Officers: Each Interest Group will select a Chair to coordinate two or more group meetings/programs each year. New Chairs will take office at the start of the academic year, prior to the first meeting of the Steering Committee. Chairs may serve for up to three consecutive years. Any ARC library staff member, with the exception of library directors, may serve as Chair. A Secretary will be designated for each year, and may also serve as Chair-Elect. The Chair or other designated representative will serve as the liaison to the ARC Steering Committee.'

- Volunteers, assignment of officer positions: Chair & Secretary
- Library Instruction & Program Assessment - bring along your own ideas, and Assumption librarians
will share their ideas/progress in this area
- Discussion on Training Consultants: Decker Associates in Needham can do a custom class based on
our needs as teaching librarians, their sessions are fun & informative, More on Decker. Is this something we may be able to use leftover from WACL funds for?

Bring along assessment sources and ideas to share.

Questions? R.S.V.P to Larry Spongberg at Assumption lspong@assumption.edu. "

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Next Meeting will be in October at Assumption, Topic Assessment

Sources to check out:

Hernon, P. & Dugan, R.E. (2002). An Action Plan
for Outcomes Assessment in Your Library
. Chicago:
American Library Association.

Outcomes assessment: not synonymous with inputs and outputs
Robert E. Dugan, and Peter Hernon, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 28, Number 6, November 2002, pp. 376-380(5)

May ARC Meeting Notes: learning objects & other useful tools

These are small technology tidbits that are self contained and can be used anywhere, anytime. These offer learning in a visual way....

* simulations
* online tutorials
* online quiz
* Flash clip
* movie clip or screen captures

Librarians shared examples:
Primo Database - peer-reviewed instructional materials created by librarians
UCONN Research 101
Assignment Calculator
MLA Citation Game
Rockwell Schrock's Boolean Machine

Vendor tutorials are great, link to them:EBSCO
Hoovers - see bottom of training page for tutorials

Assumption is using a wiki for sharing info about reference desk.

Orientation Ideas:
* Rachael allows students to draw on library windows! They love it
* Larry gets orientation leaders to tell the first years something about the library, what it has offered them
* Christine is thinking about how to get students puzzle pieces, to bring to the library...
* Carol has past peer advisor trained so that they are working with new students
* Be sure to include something in orientation packets if you can
* Campus center tables during move in day, or orientation programs (outreach)

Information Literacy Planning:
Librarians at Assumption are working on their plan and assessment ideas, share any you may have with them.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My College Freshman is Your High School Senior

  • Wouldn’t it be great if we could all sit and talk about expectations for students, that pertain to research and writing?

  • How do you think your students could be better prepared for the papers and projects they encounter at your grade level?

  • Do you have a clear idea of what research and writing skills your students need to be successful at the next grade level?

  • How can the librarians at your institution or in your town work with you to ready your students for research? Are you and your students taking full advantage the services they offer?

Mount Wachusett Community College Library has received funding from the Central Massachusetts Regional Library System and the MWCC College Access and Preparation Program in order to host a day-long summit, at which librarians and educators will have an opportunity to discuss their common concerns and strategize on ways to best prepare their students as they proceed through the educational system and into the workforce. Central Massachusetts public libraries, elementary, middle and high schools as well as two and four-year schools are invited to participate in this unique opportunity to dialogue with colleagues, and discuss such topics as information literacy and writing and research across the curriculum.

Please plan to participate in this event scheduled for June 8th at MWCC. If at all possible, invite someone else from your institution to register as well - whether it be a faculty member, writing program director, dean, etc., the more voices we bring to this day, the richer and more powerful the conversation and potential results. Please find additional information plus the online registration form at: http://www.cmrls.org/CE/mycollegefreshman.html

Hope to see you next month!


Heidi N. McCann
Reference and Instructional Services Librarian
Mt. Wachusett Community College

(978) 630-9338
check out our blog at:

Friday, April 21, 2006

May ARC Meeting: define: learning object & uses in library instruction

google it: define: learning object

Bring along samples of some of the learning objects you are using during library instruction.

Or prior to meeting check out MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online... and other Learning Object Respositories and find a few library/research related items to take the stage and show.

Please bring along your own ideas and experiences to share as well as news & updates on your own information literacy initiatives at your institution.

Thursday May 25 from 2:30-4:30pm
Clark University Goddard Library - Instruction Room, which is on the main floor of the library
Directions to Clark | Campus Map

Questions? Feel free to contact Racheal Shea (rshea@clarku.edu) or Christine Drew (cdrew@wpi.edu)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Theories of Motivation - Meeting Notes & PowerPoint

Examples and cool tools shared:


NELIG Annual Conference - Beyond the Diploma, will be held June 9, 2006 at Roger Williams University
Bristol, RI.

My College Freshman is Your High School Senior : Beginning the dialogue - An opportunity for librarians/educators hosted at MWCC in June 2006. All interested staff from area libraries (public, elementary, high school and academic) plus teachers and faculty from area schools, colleges and universities are encouraged to help shape the agenda and discussion topics for the June workshop. For more information, please contact Heidi McCann at 978-630-9255 (h_mccann@mwcc.mass.edu )

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Theories of Motivation & the Use of Technology in Instruction

You are invited to attend the ARC Information Literacy Special Interest Group meeting Monday March 6 - 2:30-4:30pm Gordon Library Worcester Polytechnic Institute

WPI Directions: http://www.wpi.edu/About/Visitors/directions.html
Campus Map: http://www.wpi.edu/About/Visitors/campusmap.html
Parking in the Boynton Street Lot behind the library is recommended, and will not be a problem as we are on Spring Break.

Matthew Laliberte, Instructional Technologist at WPI, will be discussing theories of motivation (including Keller's ARC theory) as they apply to the use of technology for the first hour, after all are welcome to discuss, & share ideas on motivating students & updates on regional information literacy intiatives.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Using Technology in Library Instruction: Blackboard and Beyond

We will begin with a discussion on creative uses of technology in library instruction, including extending the 50 minute session with Blackboard. Christine Drew has experience with Blackboard and will begin with this topic. Christine's presentation: Using Assessments in Course Management Systems.

Please bring along your own ideas and experiences to share.

Thursday Dec. 8 from 2:30-4:30pm
Clark University Goddard Library - Instruction Room, which is on the main floor of the library
Directions: http://www.clarku.edu/offices/admissions/visitingclark/directions.shtml
Campus Map: http://www.clarku.edu/campusmap/