Thursday, May 25, 2006
Next Meeting will be in October at Assumption, Topic Assessment
Hernon, P. & Dugan, R.E. (2002). An Action Plan
for Outcomes Assessment in Your Library. Chicago:
American Library Association.
Outcomes assessment: not synonymous with inputs and outputs
Robert E. Dugan, and Peter Hernon, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 28, Number 6, November 2002, pp. 376-380(5)
May ARC Meeting Notes: learning objects & other useful tools
* simulations
* online tutorials
* online quiz
* Flash clip
* movie clip or screen captures
Librarians shared examples:
Primo Database - peer-reviewed instructional materials created by librarians
UCONN Research 101
Assignment Calculator
MLA Citation Game
Rockwell Schrock's Boolean Machine
Vendor tutorials are great, link to them:EBSCO
Hoovers - see bottom of training page for tutorials
Assumption is using a wiki for sharing info about reference desk.
Orientation Ideas:
* Rachael allows students to draw on library windows! They love it
* Larry gets orientation leaders to tell the first years something about the library, what it has offered them
* Christine is thinking about how to get students puzzle pieces, to bring to the library...
* Carol has past peer advisor trained so that they are working with new students
* Be sure to include something in orientation packets if you can
* Campus center tables during move in day, or orientation programs (outreach)
Information Literacy Planning:
Librarians at Assumption are working on their plan and assessment ideas, share any you may have with them.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
My College Freshman is Your High School Senior
Wouldn’t it be great if we could all sit and talk about expectations for students, that pertain to research and writing?
How do you think your students could be better prepared for the papers and projects they encounter at your grade level?
Do you have a clear idea of what research and writing skills your students need to be successful at the next grade level?
How can the librarians at your institution or in your town work with you to ready your students for research? Are you and your students taking full advantage the services they offer?
Mount Wachusett Community College Library has received funding from the Central Massachusetts Regional Library System and the MWCC College Access and Preparation Program in order to host a day-long summit, at which librarians and educators will have an opportunity to discuss their common concerns and strategize on ways to best prepare their students as they proceed through the educational system and into the workforce. Central Massachusetts public libraries, elementary, middle and high schools as well as two and four-year schools are invited to participate in this unique opportunity to dialogue with colleagues, and discuss such topics as information literacy and writing and research across the curriculum.
Please plan to participate in this event scheduled for June 8th at MWCC. If at all possible, invite someone else from your institution to register as well - whether it be a faculty member, writing program director, dean, etc., the more voices we bring to this day, the richer and more powerful the conversation and potential results. Please find additional information plus the online registration form at:
Hope to see you next month!
Heidi N. McCann
Reference and
(978) 630-9338
check out our blog at: