Friday, October 24, 2008

Template for a Lesson Plan

Michele Reich shared this template with attendees.

Goals: Overarching and long term. Derived from ALA/ACRL standards for information literacy and your school curriculum regarding information literacy and research behaviors.

Objectives: Support the achievement of goals and are stated in terms of observable and measureable behavior. See

· What do you want students to learn as a function of having spent time with you?

· Here you would target depth of understanding, refinement of skills, and application of knowledge.

· Incorporate Bloom’s Taxonomy for the Cognitive Domain within and across objectives.

Prerequisite Behaviors: What students need to know or to be able to do before learning the new behaviors (objectives).

Materials: What you will need in order for the learning activities.

Learning Activities: Opportunities for students to achieve the behaviors stated in the objectives.

· Develop at least one learning activity for each objective. Try to incorporate more than one objective into each learning activity.

· Keep in mind timing; pacing, roving.

· Sequence of each learning activity (and lesson plan as a whole) is: motivation; advanced organizer; prerequisite skills; presentation of content, processes, skills; practice; assess; re-teach.

· Includes teacher talk; team practice with assignment; student talk; teacher talk.

· How much time will be given for each learning activity? Also include how much time assessment and evaluation will take.

Assessment Activities: How you and the students will know they achieved the objectives. Incorporate opportunities for assessment into learning activities.

Evaluation: What went well? What changes would you make next time? Why will you make these changes? In combination with the assessment, it answers the question what will need to be re-taught and how.

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